Here's some software I've written that might be of use for someone. The useful bits have been cunningly hidden amongst barely amusing junk.
I use jed for all of my numerous text-editing tasks. This is mainly for historical reasons, since in the mid-nineties jed was the only editor I found that had good color support on the Linux console.
Though I'm not sure I'd recommend jed for newbies, it's still a pretty good and extensible editor. Here's some stuff I've written for it.
At one point, I enjoyed writing PostScript by hand. Here are some of the nicer results. They are designed for A4 paper, but might work on Letter if you're lucky., last modified 2002-03-16.Pogmap is a program for mapping GMT Games' Paths of Glory games. The program is perl, but the package also contains a PS map used as a template, that's probably the most complex PS I've written. It's also sufficiently featureful to warrant it's own page, instead of trying to cram all the neccessary information here.