Using the Rust type system to make access to the global register state of embedded devices safe. (And some thoughts on API design).
A reasonably general-purpose system for fuzzing servers all the way from the main event loop, not just at some arbitrary "this is where we can feed the system a continous block of bytes" boundary.
(Also: Remind me to write about fuzzing the TCP stack itself, at some point).
Distributing video encoding with more granularity than by keyframe.
Absolutely lovely networking war stories (yay!) about early HTF (blech). All of the hacks are lovely. The one that resonated the most with me was figuring out a way of finding an application-level use case for out-of-order TCP transmitting (sending the header and footer of an order early, and once you've decided on a trade to make, sending out the price/count/stock id as a tiny packet that fills in the gap between the header and footer).
Sparklines of the values of individual memory locations. Works because early game consoles had so little RAM. Such a simple idea, such cool output.